Well-Woman Care

Annual exams are an important part of a healthy lifestyle. During an annual exam a full medical history will be obtained along with a physical exam and discussion of any problems. Ways to maintain and improve your health will be discussed with your physician.

Most annual exams will include a pelvic exam and Pap smear if you are 21 or older. A pelvic exam includes inspection of the external genitalia, vagina and cervix, and an internal evaluation of the uterus and ovaries. Even women who have had a hysterectomy need an exam to evaluate their ovaries on a yearly basis. Pap smears may not be performed every year depending on the patient's previous results and their current health status.

How should I prepare for my exam?

Women should be prepared to discuss their personal and family medical history as well as medications. Some commonly-asked questions include

  • When was your last period?

  • How long does your period typically last?

  • What age did you start your period?

  • Are you sexually active?

Be sure to think about any questions or concerns you may have before your visit. Please keep in mind that insurance does not include the discussion of problems in a routine well-woman visit, so any problems discussed may incur a co-pay.