Planning a Pregnancy

A healthy pregnancy and delivery begin before conception. That's why our team of providers is committed to developing a detailed and thorough plan for your healthcare before you start trying for a baby. If you are thinking of becoming pregnant in the next year, we recommend a preconception visit to discuss your personal, partner, and family health history and medications.

During your preconception visit, our providers will review your medical history, perform any necessary tests and screenings, and discuss any lifestyle changes that may be necessary to ensure a healthy pregnancy. We will also discuss any medications that you are taking and make recommendations for adjustments or changes as needed.

Our team will work with you to develop a personalized plan that addresses your individual needs and concerns. We will provide you with guidance on nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle factors that can affect your chances of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy. We will also discuss any genetic factors or other risk factors that may impact your pregnancy.

By taking a proactive approach to preconception care, we can help ensure that you are in optimal health before you become pregnant. This can help reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy and increase the chances of a healthy baby and safe delivery.

At Clinic for Women, we are committed to providing you with comprehensive and personalized care at every stage of your pregnancy journey. Contact us today to schedule your preconception visit and take the first step toward a healthy pregnancy and delivery.